The Synopsis:Pre-Owned Electric Cars?

The Synopsis:Pre-Owned Electric Cars?

There’s been a recent electrical surge occurring within the automotive industry and we are witnessing history with the global evolution of the electric car. 

The Synopsis: An Affordable Mercedes Sedan?

The Synopsis: An Affordable Mercedes Sedan?

While there is certainly much truth to the brand’s perception of high end luxury the reality of what Mercedes is in 2016 is probably somewhere south of that and that’s not a bad thing for most of us.  They are a luxury auto brand with cars that can easily exceed six figures so to many they are just plain out of reach or are they?

The Synopsis: When Real Driving Enthusiasts Drove Manuals?

The Synopsis: When Real Driving Enthusiasts Drove Manuals?

Remember when real men drove manuals? If you are younger than twenty-five you are probably lost right now but keep reading, as you are about to be enlightened.  I’m talking manually shifting your car’s transmission. 

The Synopsis: Most Supercars Don't Age Well

The Synopsis: Most Supercars Don't Age Well

A vehicle’s design can be hit or miss at launch and that fact is usually reflected in how well it sells upon introduction. If they fly out of the showroom and get rave reviews from enthusiasts victory is claimed and a feeding frenzy begins resulting in long waiting lists. Over time some age gracefully and others won’t. 

The Synopsis: Why Buy Pre-Owned?

The Synopsis: Why Buy Pre-Owned?

Record sales have created used car inventory for all vehicles and that includes the luxury category.  It’s simply supply and demand. The greater the supply the lesser the demand and that has a downward impact on price. 

The Synopsis: The Luxury Pickup Truck?

The Synopsis: The Luxury Pickup Truck?

In the last fifteen years luxury vehicles have been scattered across almost every type of vehicle ranging from the sedan to the sports car and SUV. There's still one vehicle type that on face value seems to be light on luxury and that's the pick up truck.  I am here to tell you don't be fooled by the apparent lack of luxury. 

Affordable Luxury: The 2015 Pre-Owned BMW i8 Supercar!

Affordable Luxury: The 2015 Pre-Owned BMW i8 Supercar!

Those not familiar with the i8 you should know it looks like one of those Italian exotics named Ferrari or Lamborghini.  The theme with this car inside and out is modern luxury and BMW type driving performance. 

The Synopsis: Luxury Is Part of the American Dream

The Synopsis: Luxury Is Part of the American Dream

We live in a country (USA) that allows for people of all creeds, race, gender and color to pursue their dreams. The United States is one of the only countries in the world where this is possible. You can pursue all your dreams here and actually make them happen regardless of your social status. That mindset has allowed thousands of people to obtain wealth beyond some of their wildest dreams. 

The Synopsis: The $20,000.00 M3?

The Synopsis: The $20,000.00 M3?

BMW's famed M3 is in its fifth generation and one of the most desired sports coupes on the planet at any price point.  Previous M3 coupes are now called the M4 with an MSRP over $65,000.00 and no longer the entry model to the exclusive “Club M”.