If you are considering buying a 2017 Ford Mustang GT Fastback (coupe) it’s iconic; it’s patriotic and offers great value compared to a similar import.  You’d get little argument from me but my philosophy is lease new and buy pre-owned so does it really offer that much value if you are buying?

Lets start with the MSRP for the Mustang GT.  A nicely equipped one will have a $37,000.00 price tag so factor in tax and interest as you are likely financing this and you are well over $40,000.00. I know a few of you are thinking you are going to negotiate a better deal and you are probably right but even if you knock off $5,000.00 you are still at $35,000.00.  Drive that car off the lot and you lose $4,000.00 before you get to the next stoplight.  Now you are at $31,000.00 and falling fast as twenty-four months later you are looking at it being worth about $28,000.00. If for whatever reason you have to sell after that period you might be looking at offers for $25,000.00. See the trend here? It’s not a pretty picture and that’s assuming no body style change. That sound you hear is depreciation and it is sucking dollars out of your pocket faster than an expensive…  But lets continue.

The 2017 GT is a true Mustang. Why you ask? It’s got an eight-cylinder engine and for many that fact alone is reason to continue reading. It’s classic Mustang but Ford actually has two other models that sport a four-cylinder and six-cylinder engine.  It almost seems sacrilegious to put a four cylinder in a Mustang but I know that is the trend these days and I get it. It’s all because of CPAs (bean counters), MPGs and the EPA but WTF!  Lets get back to the real engine as it delivers over 400hp and does 0-60 in less than 5 seconds. If you aren’t a performance car geek all you need to know is those numbers mean this is one of the fastest cars on the street and that includes imports.  This car has the power to match its good looks and it’s built “Ford tough”. Ford is clearly making better cars and in Europe they can’t keep Mustangs on the lots they are selling so well. If you are wondering why it is because of the value they bring when compared to some of the other Euro luxury coupes and even sports cars.  BUT….

…Here’s the rub. It’s depreciation. Now you’ve had the car for three years and it’s worth? Four-year-old Mustangs are worth? The good news is you have options and one of them is also a glorious 8-cylinder coupe. It’s a 2013 BMW M3 Coupe. Luxury and performance on the cheap?

The BMW M3 has legendary status and there aren’t many males that will argue it’s status amongst performance geeks or badge/brand whores. If someone ever asks what you drive letting them know you own an M3 gives you instant street cred regardless of the vintage. The model I am referring to however is the only one ever done with an eight cylinder.  The BMW geeks know it as an E90 and at some point it will certainly be a collector car but we aren’t here for that discussion.  Some cars are deemed collectible because of their limited production and others because of what they represented at the time.  For the record this M3 will be a collectible because BMW will never build another M3 with an eight-cylinder engine. 

The 2013 BMW M3 is the last year before they introduced the current version of the M3 which is now a turbo charged six-cylinder but lets get back to why this is such a great alternative. First and foremost if performance is your thing it matches everything the Mustang does and then some.  If you are looking for value and most of us are then you have to consider this choice. Yes, the car is now technically four years old but that means someone else has already taken the depreciation hit.  Additionally, BMW made plenty of these cars and if you are patient you can find several with below average mileage on the odometer. Average miles would give this car 40,000 on the clock making it a prime candidate for certification by BMW. Their pre-owned certified cars give you a limited warranty up to 100,000 miles so the translation is?  Peace of mind in your first two years of ownership and possibly a little longer depending on the car’s mileage and year as maybe you found a really low mile 2012.

While it might not be the current body style it is still classic BMW, which means it is a handsome car and will age well.  Another thing to consider is this car also came in convertible and sedan form with the former sporting a retractable hardtop but lets continue with the coupe. If driving is your thing you should also know that this car came with two transmission options.  There’s the classic six-speed manual or you can opt for what I call the fancy automatic.  BMW calls it their SMG transmission and it is a result of technical advancements that now allow for automatics to shift faster than a manual therefore making it the transmission of choice for the performance guys.  Most high performance cars use them and they work especially well if you plan to put your car on a race track.  You engage the transmission with paddles located on the steering column or steering wheel.  The great thing about these transmissions is that they have automatic modes and you can leave them in automatic and drive it like any other car.

The M3 Coupe is similar to the Mustang in size and passenger configuration. Both of these cars have useable back seats but if you approach six feet in height or exceed it the possibly of any human being that is not some sort of contortionist siting behind you is slim to none.  They have bucket seats up front and back seats that are barely useable. They aren’t as bad as the ones in a Porsche 911 but don’t think you are buying a legit four seater.  If rear seating is a real need don’t fret as the sedan is a much better option. The next thing you are likely contemplating is options. This is where the M3 outshines the Mustang because a base model is just better equipped than a Mustang and most M3 coupes were ordered nicely equipped. As a general rule if you are buying pre-owned you should never buy a base anything.  Expensive options when bought new can be rather pricey but they are worth much less pre-owned.  Another reason to buy used, oops make that pre-owned certified.

The driving experience of the BMW M3 even at four years old is still a good, if not great one.  The car should still be solid with minimum rattles and the overall experience will be a good one whether you bought the car for its driving prowess or just a luxury status symbol.  The bottom line is you must first drive both cars and see which one moves you. Luxury purchases have a higher emotional appeal than buying non-luxury items.  Depending on where you live and where you are in life a car might be a luxury or it might be a necessity. If you plan on putting a lot of miles on this car that certainly goes into consideration as maintenance over the long haul is likely to be more than the Mustang.  For many nothing beats the joy of ordering a new car with features and accessories chosen by you but it’s real easy to walk on a BMW lot and find an M3 that you could equally fall in love with for the same money and a lesser rate of depreciation.  Depreciation is your friend!